What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Healing cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue and cells. Many illnesses and injuries fail to heal because of inadequate oxygen levels. Inflammation, swelling, and reduced blood flow contribute to non-healing. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) causes increased oxygen under pressure, which provides this extra oxygen to tissue and cells with minimal side effects. Recent research initiatives from Israel have demonstrated the improvement of brain functions damaged by age, stroke, or brain injury. Most recently the researchers from Israel have developed a protocol including hyperbaric oxygen that has demonstrated that the aging process can in fact be reversed at the basic cellular-molecular level.

What are the benefits of HBOT?

Reduces inflammation

In the short term HBOT regulates inflammatory pathways and constricts blood vessels to allow less leakage of fluid thus decreasing swelling.

In the long term HBOT has epigenetic effects turning off the genes responsible for inflammation. 

Inflammation is a key factor in why our body’s strength degrades with time.

Corrects Hypoxia

HBOT increases the amount of oxygen carried into the blood stream, enabling more oxygen to reverse hypoxia (areas of the body that are low in oxygen) helping to oxygenate cells and tissue that are at risk or that are in an inactive or non-functioning state. 

Wound Healing

Non-healing wounds are those which fail to heal within a reasonable time frame despite adequate management. Although multifactorial in etiology, these wounds are typically hypoxic which is where HBOT becomes very effective.

HBOT stimulates the growth of new blood vessels in the body, which increases circulation. 

It also has the power to increase stem cells, a valuable tool for regeneration and healing.

HBOT, when used as a complement, enhances the quality of life and results in situations where other approaches may yield incomplete effectiveness.


Can HBOT help you?

Yes. It can benefit conditions where low oxygen levels (hypoxia) and inflammation are present.

HBOT can be effective in decreasing some of the symptoms and side effects related to multiple conditions.

What are the benefits of HBOT?

Healing cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue and cells. Many injuries fail to heal because of inadequate oxygen levels. Inflammation, swelling, and reduced blood flow contribute to non-healing. This means adequate oxygen is unable to reach the damaged area. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) causes increased oxygen under pressure, which provides this extra oxygen to tissue and cells with minimal side effects. HBOT treats the cumulative wounds of life (aging).



Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing oxygen in a pressurized environment.

In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased two to three times higher than normal.

When your blood carries this extra oxygen also dissolved in  plasma throughout your body, it reaches further, which helps to enhance all healing and regenerative processes in the body.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Benefits

Increases White Blood Cell Creation

Reduces Healing Time for Injured Tissues

Stimulates Release of Stem Cells

Reduces Body’s Inflammatory Responses

Improves Quality of Life

No Downtime after HBOT Chamber Session

Risks or side effects of HBOT

Most side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, however, are minor and temporary. 

Only in rare cases patients experience negative effects such as:

  • Ear and/or lung barotrauma (injury caused by heightened air pressure)
  • Temporary changes in vision
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fatigue
  • Low blood sugar

What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy good for?

HBOT services helping customers worldwide.


  1. Increases oxygenation to the body’s tissues
  2. Increase blood flow and circulation
  3. Boosts white blood cell counts
  4. Enhances the effectiveness of antibiotics
  5. Reduce swelling and pain

To benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy, you’ll likely need more than one session. The number of sessions is dependent and related to your condition.

What are the benefits of HBOT?


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy improves the quality of life for the patient in many areas.

Can HBOT help you?


Yes. It can benefit conditions where low oxygen levels (hypoxia) and inflammation are present

The Oxygen for Life


Oxygen can be used for a wide range of conditions where tissues have been damaged by oxygen deprivation