(438) 600-9385
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can be effective in improving the symptoms and quality of life of those suffering from multiple sclerosis.
Safe, effective, and non-invasive
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a description of a pathology that results in the scarring – the sclerosis , of the myelin sheath of nerves. In multiple sclerosis (MS) the damage is associated with damage blood vessels in the nervous system. This is not blockage but leakage which leads to inflammation and hypoxia – which simply means lack of oxygen.
A high level of oxygen reduces the hypoxia and the latest research has shown that it down regulates the genes that programme inflammation.1 In other words oxygen induces remission. Healing is impossible without sufficient oxygen being present.
The varying nature of Multiple Sclerosis often makes this condition one that escapes early identification. Multiple Sclerosis causes different symptoms in different people at different times, no two people living with MS experience it in the same.
HBOT can suppress inflammation due either to immune factors or infection. Moreover, many people with MS find that regular hyperbaric oxygen therapy help them to manage their symptoms.
1 Bennett MH, French C, Schnabel A, Wasiak J, Kranke P, Weibel S. Normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment and prevention of migraine and cluster headache. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Dec 28
2 Boguslav H. Fischer, M.D., Morton Marks, M.D., and Theobald Reich, M.D.,
Hyperbaric-Oxygen Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis A Randomized, PlaceboControlled, Double-Blind Study N Engl J Med 1983; 308:181-186, Jan 27, 1983
3 P.B. James, Oxygen Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Patients, Chapter 22, Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine, Sixth Edition, Editor: K.K. Jain, Springer Publisher, Cham, Switzerland, 2017.
4 Perrins DJD, James PB. Long-term hyperbaric oxygenation retards progression in multiple
sclerosis patients. IJNN 2005;2:45-48
HBOT can be effective in decreasing some of the symptoms and side effects related to the following conditions: